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My work studies the difference between humans and animals. I explored the relationship between animals, movement and landscape, the body and physical behavior by investigating many artists who study people and animals. I found that the feeling of a man imitating the shape of an animal or an animal imitating the shape of a man seemed to conquer me. There is not much difference between humans and animals in this imitative behavior, it is almost the same, but they can show a lot of emotions and differences from their actions. So my paintings are about depicting the mutual imitation of human and animal movements; Through this, I think about the relationship between animals and humans. I will discuss these themes through drawings reflecting on the relationship between humans and animals.


Through my research on the relationship between humans and animals and the illustrations of Japanese artist satoshikawasaki, I try to change the bones of humans or animals and make animals behave like humans or animals. By interbreeding, I remind humans that they are animals, too, and animals, like us, are trying to pull them back from marginalization. Through the perception and feeling of mixing, imagine the chair behavior that the hybrid will use, and elaborate the relationship between humans and animals through this absurd scene and behavior. I'm trying to express a sense of boundaries between humans and animals, a desire to be close, a desire to feel connected and oneness, but also a sense of being away from each other.

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